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TalkiCity Maps

TalkiCity Maps

Driven by the Jack Pile mine disaster, we created Talkicity Maps, an interactive platform empowering New Mexicans to understand and fight environmental toxins. Through in-depth research and user-centered design, Talkicity Maps provides clear information and interactive tools to explore local contaminants.Committed to accessibility, Talkicity Maps is mobile-friendly and continuously refined through user feedback.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Project Overview: Empower your community with Talkicity Maps

Protect your health and environment with Talkicity Maps. Our interactive platform empowers you and your community to understand and identify environmental toxins. Easily find, select, and learn about specific contaminants impacting your surroundings, giving you the knowledge to advocate for a cleaner future.

Understanding the Challenge

After visiting the Jack Pile mine in New Mexico and understanding the devastating consequences of this, we started by conducting in depth-research of the various environmental toxins that impact communities in New Mexico. This included gathering data from credible sources and understanding the specific needs of users.

Prioritizing User Experience: Building a Seamless Journey

During the design process we focused on designing Talkicity Maps with a user-centric approach. This meant prioritizing a clear and intuitive interface that was easy to navigate. We implemented a well-defined information architecture to ensure users could find the information they needed quickly and effortlessly.

Testing and Launch: Ensuring Accessibility and Refinement

Your voice matters. Throughout development, we actively sought feedback from beta testers and potential users. This feedback loop fueled our design refinements, ensuring Talkicity Maps effectively meets the needs of the community. We also prioritized mobile accessibility, making Talkicity Maps responsive and user-friendly on all devices, for on-the-go information access.

What we did
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